Simtech T-Sem

The European-built answer to all your drilling requirements: direct, min-till, conventional

T-Sem Grass

The ideal choice for the Livestock, Mixed or smaller Arable Farmer

Unmatched plant establishment with the unique tine and inverted T boot





 All new VT-Sem range of drills for Vineyards and all other applications where a narrow drill is required, more information coming soon

or call us on 01728 602178


Would you like to see a T-SEM working on your own farm?

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Inverted T slotInverted T-slot

Maximum germination + easy root development = excellent establishment

Simon Cowell has the T-Factor

Simon Cowell has the T-Factor

The soil is full of beneficial life, therefore it is of utmost importance not to destroy this living environment with cultivations or heavy traffic. By placing the seed below the mulch, requiring a minimum of power and weight, the SimTech ticks every box - agronomic, economic and environmental.